5 Marketing Tips for Registered Dietitians and Nutritionists

How do you market a dietitian service in 2020? Competition is fierce and it seems like it takes a lot of effort to stand out. We put together a list of marketing tips and ideas that will help you work smarter, not harder in 2020. When we started our blog, a couple or years ago,...

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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting Your Own Practice

Whether a medical school graduate or not, you must have thought to yourself at least once: How would it feel if I were my own boss? How would it be if I could do things my way? While for some this remains just a thought that occurs from time to time at the peak of...

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4 Marketing Tips for Dietitians in 2019

Exactly two years ago, we launched our blog with an article about marketing tips for dietitians. Since many of our clients are just starting out or are looking to build their own personal brand—a key marketing trend not only for creatives, but also for service providers and, why not, medical professionals such as dietitians and...

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How to Build a Solid Reputation

In the age of fast and efficient, more and more people seem to be looking for the human side in everything and everyone. Building a reputation as a registered dietitian starts with the basics: being a decent human being. All start out their career in nutrition and dietetics with their personal goals clearly set in...

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Dr. Livegood: The Only Virtual Nutritionist You Will Ever Need

Nutritionist Assistant introduces a virtual hero, the hero that the people need in 2018 and beyond. Dr. Livegood is a digital dietitian that will provide our followers with interesting information, funny thoughts, useful research and reminders to lead a balanced lifestyle. Also known as “nutrition world’s best kept secret”, he will constantly pop up on...

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How to Get Feedback from Patients

What makes the difference between a good nutrition professional and a great one? Is it the extra care, the extra effort, the use of modern gadgets or therapies, a cool office or an undeniable online popularity? Well, it could be some or all of these, but there is one factor that we think weighs a...

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Who to Trust When It Comes to Nutrition and Diet?

Often times and for many people, the Internet replaces doctors and you find yourself dealing with patients who have already diagnosed themselves, conceived their very own trendy nutrition plan with the help of Google, bloggers endorsed by food companies, Dr. Oz or even chefs who have taken their passion for food a bit too far....

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How Can Online Reviews Help Your Practice

While the most valuable and powerful recommendation for health-care professional services is the old-fashioned word of mouth, a new digital feedback tool is available and it is just as strong—online reviews. People look up hotels, restaurants, shops or hairstylists before trying out a new place. The new generation of medical professionals is dealing with tech-savvy...

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7 Marketing Tips for Registered Dietitians and Nutritionists

Starting off your career as a registered dietitian or nutritionist can be a little tough and maybe a bit scary, but with a little work and creativity, you could easily make a name for yourself. Since marketing is at the core of most success stories, it wouldn’t hurt to pay more attention to it. We...

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