In the age of fast and efficient, more and more people seem to be looking for the human side in everything and everyone. Building a reputation as a registered dietitian starts with the basics: being a decent human being.

All start out their career in nutrition and dietetics with their personal goals clearly set in place. Whether it’s to help people, make money or just build a solid social status, reaching them requires hard work and honest efforts. This is where our head was at when we came up with the theme for today’s blog article. A good reputation is—or should be—the backbone of every successful career. A good reputation leads to powerful recommendations that help an RD expand his list of patients or clients and, implicitly, his/her business. Surely, you noticed that your favorite doctors always have a busy schedule and you need to call in advance for an appointment. Why is that? What do they offer compared to other doctors?

While we can’t answer that question for every dietitian out there, we did put together a list of things that lead to a good reputation and a successful career. Now, you may have heard these before, some might remind you of your mother’s or grandmother’s wise words, but we promise we researched serious resources for this career-oriented article. In order to build a reputation and grow, focus on the aspects below.

Do the right thing

Yes, we know you have heard this before, even if it was a line in a movie. As random as it may seem, allowing morals and common sense to guide you in your career is a major step forward. Showing empathy and compassion is the basis of a strong relationship with your patients, which is essential for obtaining great results.

Be consistent

It doesn’t matter if you are professional and have great principles if you are not consistent. Your work and all the platforms that you use for professional purposes should all reflect the things you believe in and your character. If common sense is something that doesn’t come naturally to you, you need to launch a self-development program together with your career. Set some goals for yourself and some for your practice and make sure you follow through with both.

Be responsible

Nobody’s perfect, but one should be responsible. Take responsibility for your actions, admit when you’re wrong and do your best to make things right. See rule number one above. When people put their trust in you, it is your job to do your best to meet their needs and expectations.

Embrace integrity

Basically, this is a mix between rule number one and rule number three. We just felt some things are better left said twice. Always make sure your intentions are correct and that the desire to help other people improve their lives is at the basis of your work. Be honest and offer them your sincere opinions and advice. Many people will sense if you are focused on financial gains rather than client satisfaction.

Stay open

This rule is more like a recommendation to stay connected to the world around you, to your business, to your clients and peers. This is the only way you will be able to build meaningful relationships and build a reputation. Accept feedback, use tools for online reviews and allow your clients to state their opinion about your services. Learn from your mistakes and manage failures with dignity, and show your appreciation towards those who recommend your services to other. Be open to technology and find apps, software programs or gadgets that can upgrade the services you provide.

Stay humble

No matter where your god reputation takes you, remember to stay humble. Be respectful to other and keep your empathy. It is only this way that you will truly be able to understand your patients and help them. An important step as you start out your career, in order to build a solid reputation, is to go the extra mile. Take one more step compared to what others are doing. This will truly make the difference. As you reach your goals, stay modest and let your work to the talking for your.

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